Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary: How it all Began!

Helen, at home on Folly Beach with two of her several rescues from Hallie Hill.
My children were grown and off to different parts of the world. The horses had grown very old and had gone to heaven. And now, the barn was empty except for one small and very lame carriage horse I had rescued from the streets of Charleston. Bert was Hallie’s very first rescue!
Then, on one cold winter’s day as I was attempting to organize the tack room, a very skinny little dog appeared at the door. She was trembling from the cold and I could tell she was hungry—every bone showing. She began to slowly wag her tail and never will I forget the look in her eyes. Rescue #2! Before long, another one appeared, then another, and soon every stall in the lonely old barn was occupied! A desperate mother cat found us and after approving the accommodations brought her wonderful large litter to the barn. In time, more cats arrived and soon our once vacant old barn was filled with happy sounds—you could feel the warmth of a welcoming home in the walls.
And then, to top it all, a very young black baby calf arrived, crying every step of the way. (We later learned a mother cow was the victim of heavy traffic on Hwy 17.) I located calf baby bottles and soon our little ‘Moo-Moo’ was enjoying a full tummy and a cozy bed in the straw.
So, the purpose of this sharing this story is to explain how the Sanctuary began – an absolute act of nature! Nothing planned, and it grew bigger and bigger over time! I had the help of two wonderful elderly gentlemen, both dedicated animal lovers. The three of us enjoyed days of rescuing, building pens and pup houses and other duties involved in the caring of our furry friends. And the numbers were increasing weekly!
After more than 20 years we had grown and expanded and reached the point where really good, professional help was necessary. And, in the usual way that things happen at Hallie Hill, this lovely new angel appeared. She was obviously an animal lover and her other talents were happiness, intelligence, energy and charm – Jennifer Middleton – ‘perfection’ – and the answer to our prayers!
Soon, Hallie Hill became a 501C non-profit organization and home to approximately 150 dogs and 50 cats, age range from puppies and kittens to elderly citizens! They are cared for no matter their condition and they are guaranteed a happy home for life. Jennifer Middleton, our Executive Director, keeps everything working like magic. Hallie Hill has a wonderful Board of Directors whose dedication is outstanding. And it must be said, the volunteers are amazing!
The next chapters will speak for themselves, but Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary began, and will continue, as a happy and humane solution to a most desperate need.
Thank you for your belief in the mission of Hallie Hill, and, happy holidays to all! – HMB