Jennifer Middleton is a certified animal welfare administrator and serves as the Executive Director. Her passion for Hallie Hill’s mission explains her abundance of enthusiasm and a “no quitting” attitude. Jennifer grew up in the Hollywood area and found herself rescuing animals of all kinds throughout her childhood and into adulthood. Whether it be orphaned opossums or dogs from the roadside- she could not turn away from an animal in distress.

Graduating from College of Charleston, she enjoyed a successful career as a science and math teacher in Charleston County public schools for 17 years. During her time in the classroom, she achieved National Board certification in early adolescent science and was awarded Teacher of the Year for Charleston County in 2006/2007. Her passion for learning, teaching, and caring for others has never waned.

Jennifer lives in Meggett happily married to Benji. They have two sons: Ben and Josh. They also have two silly dogs named Buck and Zoey.